Dlubak Glass Oklahoma
Dlubak Glass Oklahoma
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 459
Okmulgee, OK 74447
Physical address:
1019 West 14th Street
Okmulgee OK 74447
PH 918-752-0226
E-mail: OK@dlubak.com
Automotive windshields
PVB from windshields
Specialty glass
The name Okmulgee comes from a Creek Indian word meaning "boiling water."
Created at statehood from lands in the Creek Nation, Indian Territory, the county seat, Okmulgee, has been the capital of the Creek Nation since the Civil War.
The Indians chose the site in the belief that tornadoes would not strike the area and so far history has proven them correct.
Two local lakes furnish most of the water for the county.
Major highways are I-40, east-west, and S.H. 75, north-south. The Burlington Northern Railroad maintains a station for shipping.